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更新時間:2018-03-29   點擊次數(shù):2309次


防爆潔凈熒光燈 3x40W 大功率三管 高亮度

產(chǎn)品名稱: BJY系列防爆潔凈熒光燈(ⅡC) 
  BJY系列防爆潔凈熒光燈適用范圍 Application   
配裝光源:單腳燈管或雙腳普通燈管:40X (36W X 2 40(36)W X 1、20(18)W X 2、20(18)W X 1.
Can be used in Zone 1and Zone 2 dangerous places.
Can be used in IIA、IIB、IIC group explosive atmosphere.
Equipped with luminous source:One foot light tube or common 
 light in a feet tube:40(36)2、40(36)1、20(18)1.  


 BJY系列防爆潔凈熒光燈 型號含義 Model implication 

  BJY系列防爆潔凈熒光燈特點 Features 
■外殼采用鋼板成型,透明罩采用聚碳酸模壓成形.            ◆ The shell is formed by steel plates of high grade,the transparent enclosure is
                                                                                                                pressed to formation by poly-carbonate.
■整體結(jié)構(gòu)采用密封結(jié)構(gòu),具有較強的防水,防塵能力.               ◆ Use sealed structme,with the functions of strong water-proof and dust-proof.,
■內(nèi)裝單腳燈管,快速瞬時啟動,可根據(jù)用戶要求改裝                ◆ The inside packs a footight tube,the fleetness starts in a moment,can according 
   雙腳燈管.                                                                                             to customer request refit the one foot light tube.
■該燈具可根據(jù)要求配裝應急裝置,應急裝置由應急                 ◆ The emergency device may be installed as requited,which consists of controller
   控制器和鎳電池兩部分組成,應急控制器具有過                             and cadium battery,the controller has functions of charging nd discherging 
   充電和過放電保護功能.                                                                     Over-voltage.
■符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求                                    ◆ Suitable for GB3.836-2000,IEC6007 standard raquest. 
  BJY系列防爆潔凈熒光燈主要技術參數(shù) Main technical parameters 
                 防爆標志                  額定電壓(v)                  防護等級                   電纜外徑(¢,mm)                     進線口螺紋(G")     
                                Ex-mark                     Rated voltage               Protection                   Cable's outside                         Inlet's thread       
                                                                                                             grade                           diameter   
                                 Exd Ⅱ CT5                 220V/50Hz                       IP65                                 10~14                                            3/4                                  
 配用光源 Supplied with lamp 
 配用光源 Supplied with lamp              20(18)W x 1           20(18)W x 2             40(36)W x 1                40(36)W x 2 
 應急裝置參數(shù) Emergency oquippment parameters 
 應急起動時間 Starting duration in emergency       充電時間(h) Charging time    應急照明時間(min) Lighting time in emerg 
                      0.3                                     24                              90

 外形及安裝舉例 Outline and mounting example 
      嵌入式1(q1) Insert type 1 CBY-J-□20X2q1                                  吸頂式(x) Ceiling type 
        嵌入式1(q1) Insert type 1 CBY-J-□20X2q1                           吸頂式(x) Ceiling type 



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